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Stewardship Matters

Welcome to Stewardship Matters at the Diocese of Newark!

Our goal here is to share relevant news, training, and tools to help you strengthen your congregation's mission and ministry resources and – at the same time – to help you experience the joy and power that is possible when we embrace all dimensions of Stewardship.

In addition to the resources you’ll find here, the Diocesan Stewardship Teaching Team conducts regular workshops for congregations in the Diocese. We are also happy to do “house calls,” specific congregation-focused teaching sessions for vestries and other groups. The Stewardship Teaching Team at the Diocese is led by Cynthia McChesney, Advisor to the Bishop for Stewardship and Leadership Giving, and includes diocesan leaders and volunteers-extraordinaire Ross Wisnewski and Pat Yankus.

To schedule a Stewardship house call, or learn more about an upcoming diocesan-wide workshop, please contact Cynthia McChesney.

In Stewardship, the practical works hand in hand with the spiritual. With that in mind we’ll be using these pages to include lots of practical tips and advice, much of which comes from our own churches, some from other denominations, and still other pulled from the expertise of non-church fundraisers. We’re always adding more, so check back frequently. And don’t forget to check out our Stewardship Matters Facebook page too!


May 4, 2020
First thought in the morning: I didn't get enough sleep last night. Last thought at night: I didn't get enough done today. Sound familiar? Author...
Ministry in a hatchback
April 29, 2020
What does ministry look like? Sometimes it looks like an open hatchback.
It's Quarterly Statement time!
April 27, 2020
It's more important than ever to keep communicating with parishioners, and that includes practical matters like quarterly statements
April 27, 2020
These days at St. Mary’s Church in Sparta we are finding new ways to worship, to sing God’s praise, and to serve those in need, thanks to so many...
Gratitude Matters
April 20, 2020
As fearful as I am at this time, I would still love to be of some use to the community in general.
Cow in a field
April 15, 2020
Not being "in" church does present new challenges, many touching on Stewardship.
Gratitude Matters
April 13, 2020
How do we accept God's love? Hoe do we return it?
Gratitude Matters
April 6, 2020
When I was growing up, Lent always called on us to give up something. Candy... cookies... swearing (loud enough so our moms could hear). As we grew,...
FAQs about e-giving
March 31, 2020
Some frequently asked questions about church e-giving, which is more essential than ever in a time of social distancing, closed church buildings, and...
Gratitude Matters
March 31, 2020
We can choose to look at this time as an opportunity for introspection, prayerful thought and thinking about what we are grateful for.
