9 AM Friday
Orientation for Deputies and Alternates
Carol Harrison Arnold, Council Vice President and Convention Parliamentarian
First Time at Diocesan Convention? Welcome! We are so glad to have you here. Here for a return visit? Welcome back! Come meet with one of our Parliamentarians, Carol Harrison-Arnold, and she will give you a brief introduction into the ins and outs of this very important weekend in the corporate life of the Diocese of Newark! Once again, Thank you for being a part of the Annual Convention of the Diocese of Newark, we hope you enjoy the weekend!
Candidate’s Forum
Come meet the candidates running for various Diocesan Offices
9:45 AM Workshops Session A
Medicare 2025: What You Need To Know
Commission on Aging
As a result of the Inflation Reduction Act several positive changes have been made to Medicare, especially to Part D (prescription drug plan). In this workshop we offer an update on these changes as well as an overview of Medicare in 2025. This workshop is offered not only for those who are in Medicare, but those who are curious about what lies ahead in it.
Prison Ministry
Dr. Roxanne Vega, PsyD.
Prison Ministry of the Diocese of Newark is pleased to present a workshop with Dr. Roxanne Vega, PsyD., from the Essex County Correctional Facility in Newark. Dr. Vega is Division Head of Inmate Programs & Community Partnerships. She works with Prison Ministry’s PATCH (parents and their children) program, is responsible for the ESL & GED Programs, and has recently launched a Culinary Program, and an OSHA and Civil Construction Program. She will discuss the various programs that are available for the inmates, and how incarceration has changed over the years.
Strategic Visioning Update
Katie Ong, Visioning Consultant
Learn about the Episcopal Diocese of Newark’s Strategic Vision, how it was developed, and what steps are happening now to implement it. We will also have time to consider ways that you and your congregation can get involved and engage with others across the Diocese in this important work.
General Convention Orientation
General Convention Deputation
What happened at this past summer’s General Convention in Louisville? Did we really vote to change the Book of Common Prayer? Have you ever wondered about serving as a General Convention deputy? What do you need to know to be an effective deputy? Get all of your questions answered and learn about this vital part of our church governance.
The North Porch Mission in 2025
Cynthia Moricz de Tecso
Join North Porch Director Cynthia Moricz de Tecso as she discusses the mission of North Porch in 2025. North Porch will serve over 4,000 children in 2024 and our numbers will grow in 2025. Learn how your parish can help us provide for our clients through sustaining donations and ministry collaboration.
3:45 PM Hearings
Budget Forum & Hearing
In depth discussion of the Proposed Budget & Budget Process for 2025
Resolutions Hearing
In depth discussion of the Resolutions before the Convention as contained in 150AC–R04
4:15 PM Workshop Session B
Finding Common Ground: Looking Beyond What We Already See
Bishop Mark Beckwith
What have we been trained to see? How are we invited to look beyond prejudices, paradigms and party Lines. I will talk about initiatives to manage difference — particularly political difference, and how the historic roots of the Episcopal Church provide us with the support and experience to do that.
5 PM Workshops Session C
Celebrating 50 years of Women as Priests
A Panel with The Rev. Bev Huck, Ms. Fran Trott, The Rev. Danielle Baker, The Rev. Abby Hamilton and The Rev. Martha Blacklock, moderated by The Rev. Cynthia Black
Join members of the Diocese of Newark as we consider (and give thanks for!) the ordination of women as priests. Hear about the ‘early days’ and consider how this change has impacted the church and the diocese over the last 50 years. We’ll take a look at some material from the diocesan archives and hear stories from both those who were ‘in the room where it happened’ and those who have been the beneficiaries of their courage.
Congregational Collaboration: Ideas that every congregation can use
Canon Margo Peckham Clark & Katie Ong, Visioning Consultant
Anything that we do together with a common goal is collaboration. This workshop will include a panel discussion from congregational leaders in the Diocese who are already collaborating with each other, the challenges they have faced and the lessons they have learned.