At the 135th Convention, we voted to proclaim the third Sunday of November as “Restorative Justice Sunday.” In Anglican Churches around the world, this Sunday is also observed as “Restorative Justice Sunday” or “Prisoner’s Sunday.”

The Prison Ministry has provided the attached resources for your congregation’s use. Thank you for answering the Gospel’s call to mission, “I was in prison and you visited me.”  Please know that although the third Sunday of November has been identified as “Restorative Justice Sunday,” it can be observed on any Sunday that works in your specific congregation.

The image above is of St. Paul in prison. Opposite-click on the image to download it to your computer.

Find out more about Restorative Justice Sunday >>

Diocese of Newark Prison Ministry >>

Prayers and Liturgies

From our Book of Common Prayer:

21. For Courts of Justice
Almighty God, who sittest in the throne judging right: We humbly beseech thee to bless the courts of justice and the magistrates in all this land; and give unto them the spirit of wisdom and understanding, that they may discern the truth, and impartially administer the law in the fear of thee alone; through him who shall come to be our Judge, thy Son our Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.

37. For Prisons and Correctional Institutions
Lord Jesus, for our sake you were condemned as a criminal: Visit our jails and prisons with your pity and judgment. Remember all prisoners, and bring the guilty to repentance and amendment of life according to your will, and give them hope for their future. When any are held unjustly, bring them release; forgive us, and teach us to improve our justice. Remember those who work in these institutions; keep them humane and compassionate; and save them from becoming brutal or callous. And since what we do for those in prison, O Lord, we do for you, constrain us to improve their lot. All this we ask for your mercy’s sake. Amen.

Episcopal Litany for Social Justice >>

Other resources to adapt >>

Additional Petitions for the Prayers of the People

We pray for all the victims of violence.

We pray for the incarcerated, the formerly incarcerated, and their families

We pray for the reform of our nation’s criminal justice system, that at it focus on restoration of the individual and less punishing. We pray for their families and communities.