Formation resources for families with little ones during shelter in place
This resource is from Canon Margo Peckham Clark, Canon for Conregational Life. Many people have expressed how important ongoing formation
This resource is from Canon Margo Peckham Clark, Canon for Conregational Life. Many people have expressed how important ongoing formation
Friends, One of the blessings of strange and unsettled times can be finding new ways to connect to God, new
The Canons of The Episcopal Church and the Diocese of Newark require the submission by each congregation of an annual
The occasion was a vestry meeting to write a stewardship statement. The group was completing a discussion of early memories
Adopted at the 128th Annual Convention January 25-26, 2002 RESOLUTION VII: (Adopted) RESOLVED, that the 128th Convention of the Diocese
Familiarize yourself with space and the service bulletin in advance of the Bishop’s arrival onsite. Make sure that water (bottled
At the 135th Convention, we voted to proclaim the third Sunday of November as “Restorative Justice Sunday.” In Anglican Churches
This diocesan policy was established by Diocesan Convention, 1982. Always have an alternative beverage, served as attractively and be as
Resolutions on Gambling Adopted by Diocesan Conventions Resolutions adopted by Diocesan Conventions on Gambling (1954), Casino Gambling (1974) and Opposition
The following guidelines were ratified by the Diocesan Council on December 10, 1997. RESOLVED that effective January 1, 1998 the
The Newark List has been established to facilitate brief, factual notifications among the clergy and lay people of the diocese