Resolutions on Gambling Adopted by Diocesan Conventions

Resolutions adopted by Diocesan Conventions on Gambling (1954), Casino Gambling (1974) and Opposition to Video Lottery Machines (1995).


Diocesan Journal of 1954
The Reverend Welles R. Bliss moved the adoption of the following resolution, and seconded by the Reverend Benjamin Minifie:

WHEREAS the prevalence of gambling is increasing, and

WHEREAS certain forms of gambling such as bingo and raffles have acquired legal status in the State of New Jersey, and

WHEREAS gambling never represents a fair exchange of property, and

WHEREAS the basic principle of Christian giving is that of supporting charities and Church in imitation of the divine compassion of our Lord without any thought of personal return,

BE IT RESOLVED, That this Convention hereby draws attention to the fact even though raffles and bingo are now legal, they are still not moral;

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That this Convention reaffirms the position previously taken by the Convention of this diocese and draws attention to the grave moral and social evils arising through the prevalence of gambling; and that in view of these evils it is urged that no Church or Church organization make money by gambling, and that this Convention further warns of the danger of acquiring the habit of gambling and therefore urges that the members of the Church in this diocese be on guard against participating in gambling practices which have in so many cases been detrimental to the soul and to society.

The Reverend Montgomery Throop offered amendment to strike out in the fifth paragraph the words ‘they are’ and substitute ‘gambling is’, and in the sixth paragraph to strike out the word in the last line ‘soul’ and substitute ‘individual’.

The Reverend Jay Hughes offered amendment to omit the third paragraph and the fifth paragraph, and in the sixth paragraph strike out the word ‘further’.

It was moved and carried that Dr. Throop’s amendment be adopted.

It was moved and carried that Father Hughes’ amendment be adopted.

It was moved and carried that amended resolution as follows be adopted:

WHEREAS the prevalence of gambling is increasing, and

WHEREAS certain forms of gambling such as bingo and raffles have acquired legal status in the State of New Jersey; and

WHEREAS the basic principle of Christian giving is that of supporting charities and Church in imitation of the divine compassion of our Lord without any thought of personal return,

BE IT RESOLVED, That this Convention reaffirms the position previously taken by the Convention of this diocese and draws attention to the grave moral and social evils arising through the prevalence of gambling; and that in view of these evils it is urged that no Church or Church organization make money by gambling, and that this Convention warns of the danger of acquiring the habit of gambling and therefore urges that the members of the Church in this Diocese be on guard against participating in gambling practices which have in so many cases been detrimental to the individual and to society.

The resolution was adopted as amended.

Casino Gambling

Diocesan Journal of 1974
On motion by Mrs. Nancy Hawkins, the following resolution was adopted:

WHEREAS legalization of new forms of gambling has acted to legitimize and encourage gambling in general and now legalization of casino gambling has been proposed in the State of New Jersey,

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that this Diocesan Convention go on record as opposing the legalization of casino gambling in the State of New Jersey, and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this resolution be forwarded to the Governor of the State of New Jersey and State Senators and Assemblymen representing districts within the Diocese of Newark.

Opposition to Video Lottery Machines

Diocesan Journal of 1995
Resolved, that the 121st Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Newark calls for the defeat of New Jersey Senate Bill S375, which would establish a statewide network of video lottery machines, and voices it opposition to this and any other proposals to increase state sponsored gambling in New Jersey; and, be it further

Resolved, that the Secretary of Convention forward a copy of this resolution to the Governor and members of the New Jersey Legislature.

Submitted by the Christian Social Relations Commission

Supporting Information:

This legislation would allow video lottery machines, able to play simulated poker, blackjack and other games, to be established in places with liquor licenses and at race track refreshment points. The machines would be privately owned, but connected to the State lottery computer network for monitoring and control. The State would receive a portion of the proceeds and municipalities would have the authority to impose license fees up to $100 per year on each machine.

The New Jersey Council of Churches and the Diocese of Newark are on record as opposing the extension of legalized gambling. This resolution accords with that position.

The resolution was adopted on the Consent Calendar.