The Bishop’s Office strongly urges all churches to consider the benefits of online giving and payment processing. While there are many commercial payment processors in the market, we have negotiated highly favorable pricing from Vanco Payment Solutions, which is used by Episcopal House as well as dozens of our congregations.

For more information, including pricing, contact Peter Johnson, Giving Sales Consultant, at Vanco. Phone: 952-352-8136, or email

More Information

The attached PDF contains the following documents that churches can review to help:

  • A Church’s Guide to Electronic Giving provides detailed information on the Vanco program
  • Strengthen Stewardship with Electronic Giving provides background information about how e-Giving helps churches and their stewardship programs
  • Sample Reports from Vanco are examples of the reports each church will get to manage the donations and track giving
  • Software Integrations shows the various software programs with which the Vanco information can integrate

Churches that are interested in signing up can do so at


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