Resources collected by the Justice Board addressing the issue of violence.

Liturgies & Prayers
The file Pray_for_Peace_Little_Falls.doc is a liturgy used at St. Agnes’ Church in Little Falls in September 2013, reprinted with permission.

The file Prayer – Remembering Newtown.pdf was written by the Rev. Dr. Casey G. Baggott.

The file Sample Prayer Vigil on the First Anniversary of Newtown.doc is by the Rev. Peter de Franco.

The Engaging Action Team of Diocesan Council suggests the following prayers for Sunday, December 14, 2014, the second anniversary of the Newtown, CT shootings.

Freestanding prayer:
Gracious Lord who loves us so perfectly, help us to better love you and each other. We weep for the violence that killed the children of Newtown and so many others, where guns replaced prayers and homes without you bred frustration. May hearts be changed through your Holy Spirit that justice, mercy, money and, yes, even guns might be used rightly under Heaven, through Jesus Christ, your Son, our Lord. Amen.

Petition for Prayers of the People:
We pray for victims of gun violence, remembering particularly the children and teachers killed on this date two years ago in Newtown.

For more information or to join in this effort, please contact:

New Jersey Together
Jersey City, NJ
Joe Morris, NJ Together Lead Organizer

Time Magazine: Mental Illness Increases Risk of Being Homicide Victim, March 7, 2013