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Articles & Videos

Senior Moments: Home sweet home - let’s keep it that way!
Senior Ministries | Apr 18, 2016
“I have lived in this house for the past 30 years and I have no intention of moving. It’s a fine home!” Many of us have heard these...
In the News; Video & Photos | Apr 12, 2016
Grace Church Van Vorst, St. Paul's Church in Bergen and Church of the Incarnation were among the more than 30 congregations who joined the public...
Alleluia Fund for Outreach | Apr 5, 2016
Marco is a typical, energetic nine-year-old from the suburbs of New Jersey. He has very definite opinions on the current crop of super heroes and he...
Good Friday "Walk of Faith" in Lincoln Park
Church News | Mar 30, 2016
Several Diocese of Newark congregations took Good Friday observances to the streets, many of them ecumenical efforts with neighboring churches.
Peter Angelica
In the News | Mar 29, 2016
[Episcopal News Service] Forming a monastic community of young adults at Lambeth Palace to embrace a yearlong commitment to prayer, study and service...
Success For All After School Program, St. Peter’s, Morristown
Alleluia Fund for Outreach | Mar 28, 2016
Through the Easter Season, the great festival stretching from the Easter Vigil through Pentecost, we in the Diocese of Newark celebrate Easter’...
