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Articles & Videos

Eugene Foley, St. Stephen’s, Millburn
Feature | Jun 14, 2016
Being better neighbors was a consistent theme of the stories from the six congregations who came together at Episcopal House on Saturday, June 11...
Ron Garner of St. George's, Maplewood
Feature | Jun 14, 2016
Acting on a promise made at Diocesan Convention, four teams of clergy and lay leaders have developed innovative experiments to help the diocese find...
The 2016 Hegg Lifetime Achievement Award Honorees
Photo Gallery | Jun 14, 2016
On June 12, 2016, 86 members of the diocese were honored with the David P. Hegg II Lifetime Achievement Award at the 20th annual Senior Ministries...
Knowing when to take away a senior driver's keys
Senior Ministries | Jun 13, 2016
We’ve all seen it – the little old lady who can barely see over the steering wheel, the old man who drives five miles down the highway...
Bishop Mark Beckwith #WearOrange
Media Coverage | Jun 2, 2016
[The Star-Ledger] More than 34,500 people were shot to death in this country last year, some 21,000 of them by their own hand. An additional 27,000...
In the News | May 22, 2016
[The Record] St. Paul’s Episcopal Church of Paterson, looking ahead to its 200th year and the start of its third century in the gritty city...
