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Surrounded by supporters, the Rev. J. Brent Bates (at microphone) reads his statement on the Sanctuary Church Movement and Immigrant Justice to Convention deputies. STEVEN BOSTON PHOTO
Feature & Video | Jan 31, 2017
When President Donald Trump issued his executive order at 4:42 PM Friday, temporarily denying entry to the country to refugees from anywhere, as well...
Rebecca Walker, Debbie Quinn and Colleen Hintz of Redeemer, Morristown and Laura Russell of All Saints Episcopal Parish, Hoboken at the Women's March in Washington. CYNTHIA BLACK PHOTO
Feature | Jan 31, 2017
The day after Donald Trump was inaugurated as president, members of the Diocese of Newark joined millions of people in women’s marches around the...
The Rev. Tracie Bartholomew, the Rt. Rev. Mark Beckwith, the Rt. Rev. William H. Stokes
For Immediate Release | Jan 30, 2017
A Statement Concerning the President’s Travel Ban from The Reverend Tracie Bartholomew, Bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America New...
Bishop Mark Beckwith
143rd Annual Diocesan Convention | Jan 28, 2017
This year, Bishop Beckwith gave his annual Convention address in three parts, on Friday afternoon, Saturday morning and Saturday afternoon. The text...
Meeting our neighbors where they are
143rd Annual Diocesan Convention | Jan 28, 2017
This Mission Minute shows just some of the creative ways congregations have taken their communities and their worship outside their doors and into...
Standing with our forgotten neighbors
143rd Annual Diocesan Convention | Jan 28, 2017
This Mission Minute shows how several congregations sought out neighbors who otherwise might have fallen through the cracks, offering them not just...
