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Feature | Feb 14, 2017
When St. George’s in Maplewood, where I serve as Deacon, hosted an information session on supporting detained immigrants and asylum seekers, I hoped...
Michelle White
Black History Month | Feb 14, 2017
Trinity and St. Philip’s Cathedral provided the stage on Sunday afternoon, February 12, for a spirit-filled and joyous celebration of the life and...
Quaker abolitionist Sarah Grimke, portrayed by St. James Warden Barbara Boehm, greets one of the young “escaped slaves” she and her family shelter in her home during a re-enactment of the Underground Railroad. SHARON SHERIDAN PHOTO
Church News | Feb 13, 2017
From preschoolers to octogenarians, 160 people walked a hazardous and circuitous journey from slavery to freedom in a immersion experience of the...
Bishop Mark Beckwith addresses the gathering in front of Grace Church in Newark, next to the Federal Building where deportation hearings are held. CYNTHIA BLACK PHOTO
In the News; Photos & Video | Feb 9, 2017
[] NEWARK - Beneath the tall stained-glass windows at Grace Church, rabbis rubbed elbows with leaders of the Muslim faith, who in turn sat...
In the News | Feb 9, 2017
[The Star-Ledger] We speak together as religious leaders in New Jersey, on the injurious executive action restricting refugees issued by President...
Joining God in shaping our future
The 143rd Annual Diocesan Convention | Feb 1, 2017
This 143rd Annual Diocesan Convention - "Joining God in Shaping Our Future" - was different from any Convention before it. All interested members of...
