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In the News | Sep 28, 2017
Bishop Mark Beckwith was one of 125 Episcopal bishops who signed this letter imporing the President and Congress not to end the Deferred Action for...
Church News | Sep 19, 2017
This past June, middle and high school youth from Calvary Church in Summit spent an exhilarating week on a “Youth Works” mission trip to Lynn,...
Video demonstration of Dwelling in the Word
Video | Sep 5, 2017
In August 2017, seven people from around the Episcopal Diocese of Newark agreed to be videorecorded as they Dwelled on Luke 10:1-12. Watch and learn...
The Rev. Diana Wilcox with Methodist clergy at the 1000 Ministers March For Justice in Washington, D.C. PHOTO COURTESY DIANA WILCOX
Feature | Sep 5, 2017
We all have seen the images out of Charlottesville, and the hatred that seems to have moved out of the shadow and into the streets in the past...
Church News | Sep 1, 2017
“When is it my turn?!” cried young Cameron, as he watched child after child extinguish candles during the children’s Good Friday Service at St. Paul’...
Senior Moments: Where can I find…?
Senior Ministries | Aug 31, 2017
Living in New Jersey gives us access to a wide array of services for seniors, many of which are not available in other states. The trick is to know...
