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Stewardship | Sep 4, 2018
Back to school may be almost here but Episcopalians know that September means something else: getting ready for the fall pledge campaign. To help...
Bishop-elect Carlye Hughes, her husband David Smedley, and their dog Abbey.
From the Bishop-elect | Aug 15, 2018
Dear Companions on the Journey, What a great delight it is to write to you from the Bishop’s Residence. After many weeks of handing off projects,...
Jill Singleton with two guests at The Lighthouse, which she helped establish to provide temporary housing and resettlement for asylum seekers after released from detention.
Discernment Stories | Aug 13, 2018
It’s more than fair to say, “I never saw it coming,” especially because I was not raised in the church. But God has a way of finding us, and in my...
Joining God in Shaping Our Future
Joining God in Shaping Our Future | Aug 13, 2018
Two Action Learning Teams (ALTs), working from September 2018 to January 2019, were gathered to engage the following challenges: Primary Questions:...
Diocesan youth in the exhibit hall at General Convention.
Dispatches from General Convention | Jul 18, 2018
Thirteen high school students from the Diocese of Newark attended part of the General Convention, July 2018 in Austin TX. While there they visited...
Joining God in Shaping Our Future
Joining God in Shaping Our Future | Jul 17, 2018
Two Action Learning Teams (ALTs), working from September 2018 to January 2019, were gathered to engage the following challenges: Primary Questions:...
