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Articles & Videos

A men's small group at St. Michael's, Wayne.
Joining God in Shaping Our Future | Nov 29, 2018
In October, St. Michael’s began a nine-week study of the Nine Fruits of the Spirit using the core practices of our diocesan Going Local journey,...
Feature | Nov 20, 2018
A beautiful town-wide service, including the mayor, council members, chief of police and other town leaders, took place with a passage from the Quran...
"It's My Turn" day camp for children with Autism
Feature & Photo Gallery | Nov 19, 2018
This past August, St. Paul’s in Chatham hosted its second annual “It’s My Turn” day camp for children with autism.
L-r: Deacons Jeanette Hile, Diane Riley (Archdeacon), Ken Boccino and Deborah R. Drake; Bishop Carlye J. Hughes; Deacons Peter Jackson (Archdeacon), Jill Singleton, Lind Phillips, Lloyd Batson, Joanne O'Neill, Jacques Girard and Sheila Shuford.
Article | Nov 19, 2018
Bishop Carlye J. Hughes joined the deacons of the Diocese of Newark on November 17, 2018 for Deacons Day at Grace Church in Madison.
The choir of Church of St. Paul’s and Resurrection in Wood-Ridge. CARLYE J. HUGHES PHOTO
Video | Nov 18, 2018
For Bishop Carlye Hughes's visitation to the Church of St. Paul’s and Resurrection in Wood-Ridge on November 11, 2018, the choir sang Psalm 23 in...
The Rev. Lynne Bleich Weber and a parishioner of Atonement host the "Blessings to Go" booth at Tenafly's first Pride Day. PHOTO COURTESY ATONEMENT, TENAFLY
Feature & Photo Gallery | Nov 5, 2018
As part of their 150th anniversary celebration, Church of the Atonement in Tenafly has begun a new ministry: a portable “Blessings to Go” booth,...
