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Canon Jacobs being recognized at his final Diocesan Convention, Feb. 1, 2019. NINA NICHOLSON PHOTO
Feature | May 14, 2019
It is with all good wishes and a touch of sadness that we share the news of the departure of Canon Gregory Jacobs from our diocesan staff. After...
Choirs from four dioceses gather for St. Paul's, Englewood's choral festival
Church News | May 9, 2019
On Saturday, May 4, 2019, more than 30 singers representing congregations from four dioceses gathered for a choral festival and Evensong at St. Paul'...
Are you making it difficult for people who want to give to you?
Stewardship Matters | May 9, 2019
Are you still requiring your parishioners to pay only with cash or checks? Then you're shutting the door on their generosity and it's time to stop.
The Breaking Bread with the Bishop gathering at St. Michael's, Wayne. NINA NICHOLSON PHOTO
Feature | Apr 25, 2019
Did you have a chance to break bread with the Bishop this spring? Perhaps you had dinner in the parish hall of Epiphany & Christ Church in Orange...
Members of St. Michael's, Wayne forming groups based on their spiritual gifts.
Stories from our congregations | Apr 25, 2019
During this past Lent, 38 members of St. Michael’s, Wayne have been on a six-week Lenten Study using the resources of Gifted, Called and Sent from...
Stations of the Cross at the sites of violent crimes in Jersey City. NINA NICHOLSON PHOTO
Photo Gallery | Apr 19, 2019
For the sixth year in a row, the Jersey City congregations held a public Stations of the Cross at the sites of violent crimes in their neighborhood.
