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Pop Up Youth Ministry
Feature | Aug 20, 2019
Sunday, September 22 is the eve of the Autumn Equinox and the official beginning of fall. It is also the date of the inaugural event of the new Pop...
Matt and Dan, two autistic young men who are roommates, put away groceries with Carmen, who provides care giving oversight. PHOTO COURTESY SUPPORTIVE HOUSING ASSOCIATION OF NJ
Feature | Aug 19, 2019
A home of one’s own, either rented or owned, is the cornerstone of independent living for any individual. For people with disabilities this dream –...
Your Narrative Budget puts ministries front and center... where they belong!
Stewardship Matters | Aug 14, 2019
A Narrative Budget shows how the income you raise from your pledge campaign translates into how your church supports its key ministry areas.
Matt Porowski and Shannon Molnar at Cross Roads in July 2019. NINA NICHOLSON PHOTO
Feature | Jul 25, 2019
Matt Porowski and Shannon Molnar have been hired as the Pop Up Youth Ministry Fellows for its inaugural year.
How's your Fall Pledge Campaign coming along?
Stewardship Matters | Jul 23, 2019
It’s summer: Hurray! But guess what? Fall will be here in a about a minute and so will your annual pledge campaign.
The Rev. Diana Wilcox holds a candle at the Lights for Liberty vigil outside the immigration detention center in Elizabeth. NINA NICHOLSON PHOTO
Feature & photo gallery | Jul 16, 2019
On Friday evening, July 12, Lights for Liberty: A Vigil to End Human Detention Camps brought thousands of people to detention camps and other sites...
