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Articles & Videos

St. James, Upper Montclair
Video | Apr 6, 2020
St. James, Upper Montclair is closed, but their bells let the town know "We are still here for you."
Gratitude Matters
Gratitude Matters | Apr 6, 2020
When I was growing up, Lent always called on us to give up something. Candy... cookies... swearing (loud enough so our moms could hear). As we grew,...
Stained glass window of the Baptism of Our Lord
From Canon Wright | Apr 6, 2020
When we think of "the Body of Christ" we probably think of one or more images immediately. Many of us would right away reflect on the consecrated...
St. Elizabeth's Church in Ridgewood
Online Worship | Apr 5, 2020
For Palm Sunday – the Sunday of the Passion – we are featuring the pre-recorded service at St. Elizabeth's Church in Ridgewood.
FAQs about e-giving
Stewardship Matters | Mar 31, 2020
Some frequently asked questions about church e-giving, which is more essential than ever in a time of social distancing, closed church buildings, and...
All Saints, Hoboken's outdoor sign. ELAINE ELLIS THOMAS PHOTO
Stories from Our Congregations | Mar 31, 2020
All Saints, Hoboken cleverly uses an outdoor sign in their high-traffic location to let their neighborhood know that while their doors are closed...
