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Articles & Videos

Pastoral Letter
From Bishop Hughes | Feb 25, 2021
How shall we keep a Holy Lent this year? It will help to start with where we are right now.
T-Minus and counting
Stewardship Matters | Feb 16, 2021
Thanksgiving Day may still be over a week away, but we're already in the Thanking Season of our Annual Pledge Campaigns.
Anglican Rosary
Episcopal Mental & Spiritual Health Crisis Ministry | Feb 16, 2021
Praying with beads as a form of contemplative prayer dates back to ancient times. However, it was not until the 1980s that the Anglican Rosary was...
Tapestry honoring the late Sidney King.
Pursuing Racial Reconciliation | Feb 12, 2021
The death of a beloved member has inspired Jersey City congregations to delve into and record their history.
Faith Groups
From Canon Clark | Feb 3, 2021
Friday evening, January 29 and Saturday morning, January 30, people from all around our diocese gathered electronically to listen, try out, and learn...
St. Bride by John Duncan (1866-1945). This painting shows angels carrying Brigid (aka Bride) to Bethlehem to assist Mary at the birth of Jesus, as asserted in Scottish folklore.
Episcopal Mental & Spiritual Health Crisis Ministry | Feb 1, 2021
Happy Spring! In the Celtic calendar, at least. The ancient Celts celebrated February 1st as Imbolc, the first day of spring – and in the Christian...
