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Articles & Videos

Education for Ministry
Feature | Jun 7, 2021
How is your Bible Study going? Are you fulfilling your curiosity about the authors of the gospels, did David write all those Psalms? Who are those...
Pastoral Letter
From Bishop Hughes | Jun 2, 2021
The strength needed to end violent hatred comes from God.
Ordination to the Transitional Diaconate: Carrie Cabush, Katherine Rollo, Lorna Woodham
Live Stream | May 7, 2021
Live stream of the ordination of Carrie Cabush, Katherine Rollo and Lorna Woodham to the Sacred Order of Deacons. Bishop Hughes officiated at the...
Welcoming Prayer
Episcopal Mental & Spiritual Health Crisis Ministry | May 7, 2021
The Welcoming Prayer is defined as “a method of consenting to God’s presence and action in our physical and emotional reactions to events and...
Photo from the last in-person Hegg Awards, in 2019. RUSS WORTHINGTON PHOTO
Stewardship Matters | May 4, 2021
Who will your congregation lift up in celebration at 3 PM on June 13th?
Photo: David P. Hegg II, after whom the award is named.
Senior Ministries | Apr 29, 2021
After a hiatus last year members of our parishes will be honored again with David P. Hegg III Lifetime Achievement Awards.
