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Bad weather? Good stewardship!
Stewardship Matters | Oct 28, 2021
‘Tis the season for Nor’easters, and who knows what else (Bomb cyclones are a thing now? Who knew?). And that means it’s a good time to consider some...
Hurricane Ida flooding outside St. Stephen's, Millburn. PAULA TOLAND PHOTO
Stories from Our Congregations | Oct 20, 2021
“That was definitely a wild night,” said the Rev. Paula Toland. “We saw our neighbors’ cars floating” by St. Stephen’s, Millburn, where she serves as...
The NJCRI team and their mobile COVID vaccine clinic. ALEEDA CRAWLEY PHOTO
Stories from Our Congregations | Oct 4, 2021
In our parish profile at St. George’s, Maplewood, one of the desires identified by the parish was to expand the congregation’s impact...
How Attention to Generational Differences Can Improve Your Communications
Stewardship Matters | Sep 21, 2021
In our recent Project Resource session, we learned ways to think about how our communications might differ between generational cohorts.
Christina (front) with her family and rector following the renaming liturgy.
Stories from Our Congregations | Sep 20, 2021
Last spring, I received an email from a member of my vestry. It was a coming out announcement. Chris (now Christina) wanted me to know that she is a...
The Rt. Rev. John Shelby Spong, VIII Bishop of Newark
Diocesan Announcement | Sep 14, 2021
One of America’s best-known spokespersons for an open, scholarly and inclusive Christianity, the Rt. Rev. John Shelby Spong, died Sunday, September...
