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What's hiding in your data?
Stewardship Matters | Jan 31, 2022
As discussed in the last Stewardship Matters (Stewardship resolutions?, Jan. 5), January's a great time to look closely at the results of your fall...
Grace, Nutley was the drop-off location for the more than 1000 toys collected by the Prison Ministry.
Feature | Jan 10, 2022
Faith. Hope. Peace. Joy. The four themes of Advent that Christians are called to express in their daily lives. Parish families, from the Dioceses of...
Stewardship Matters | Jan 5, 2022
Here's an easy New Year's Resolution for Stewardship. Why not resolve now to prepare better for next year's Annual Pledge Campaign? Just complete the...
Parishioners Charles Klein, George Kooney and Marge Jingo organ releathering pneumatics.
Stories from Our Congregations | Dec 27, 2021
The pandemic has been a time for learning new skills and starting new projects. Mark Wright decided to teach himself how to rebuild his church’s...
Advent candles
From Bishop Hughes | Dec 9, 2021
“Grant us wisdom, grant us courage, lest we miss thy kingdom’s goals.” Harry Emerson Fosdick (1878-1969) Hymn 594/595 in The Hymnal 1982 Dear...
Announcement | Dec 8, 2021
This presentation of the preliminary diocesan budget for 2022 was given by diocesan CFO Sam Reckford on December 8, 2021.
