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Articles & Videos

Sep 1, 2011
The 138th Annual Convention of the Diocese of Newark will be held on January 27 and 28, 2012 at the Hilton Hotel, Parsippany. Information on...
Sep 1, 2011
Congregations have many financial needs, not all of which can be met through pledges. There are roofs to replace and emergency boiler repairs, there’...
Sep 1, 2011
When the Christian Formation Commission (CFC) was created in 2002, it brought together two vital groups – the Commission for Christian Education and...
Sep 1, 2011
When the Rev. Shane Phelan, of St. Luke’s, Haworth, and I watched people pour into the room where we held our workshop on Spiritual Practices during...
Sep 1, 2011
St. Peter’s Church in Essex Fells and St. Elizabeth’s Church in Ridgewood combined youth groups and departed for a mission trip on Saturday, June 9...
Sue Morgan
Sep 1, 2011
A new group has been formed in the diocese with a goal of making prayer and a rule of life more accessible to others. To that end, let me share with...
