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Articles & Videos

Apr 9, 2012
The Essex County Freeholders recently recognized three women during its annual Women’s History Month Celebration at the Hall of Records in Newark....
The Alleluia Fund
Apr 3, 2012
Each year during the Easter season, the people and congregations of our diocese join together as "flashlights of faith" to support outreach and...
Apr 3, 2012
Congregations with parishioners to be confirmed, received, or reaffirmed are responsible for filling the various service participant roles at the...
Mar 9, 2012
Information regarding the Small Business Health Care Tax Credit for 2011 is available here in PDF format.
Mar 9, 2012
The 2012 Federal Reporting Requirements for Episcopal Churches, prepared and issued by Church Pension Group, is now available. This resource includes...
House of Prayer in Newark
Mar 7, 2012
The House of Prayer is a venerable church that stands with grace, distinction and history in our See city. Situated at Broad and State Streets in...
