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Articles & Videos

Christ Church, Budd Lake "Preach on the Beach"
Sep 18, 2012
On Sunday, August 5, Christ Church in Budd Lake had its first annual "Preach on the Beach" summer worship event at Budd Lake Beach. The day began...
Aug 28, 2012
Effective January 1, 2013, there are new national and diocesan requirements for the provision of health insurance and pension benefits for clergy and...
Aug 8, 2012
Individuals or organizations are being offered the opportunity to request that programs and funding not already included in the 2012 budget be...
The Lodge at Cross Roads
Jun 19, 2012
Camp is like a second home to me... I’ve made so many friends who I can call anytime during the year…. It’s a holy place, when I’m there my faith is...
Jun 15, 2012
On June 13, 2012, Diocesan Council ratified a total of $68,000 in grants recommended by the ACTS/VIM Board for their spring 2012 granting cycle. ACTS...
Jun 15, 2012
On June 13, 2012, Diocesan Council ratified a total of $55,159 in grants recommended by the Ward J. Herbert Fund Board for their first 2012 granting...
