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Dec 13, 2012
A place where people gather in the name of Christ: to worship Him, to proclaim His resurrection, and to serve Him. Christ Church has been part of...
Dec 12, 2012
The long-term recovery process from Hurricane Sandy, especially in Staten Island, will be going on for years. The dioceses of Newark, New Jersey, New...
Family Promise
Dec 11, 2012
“Your gift allows us to continue to shelter working homeless families and to help them change the trajectory of their lives from one of despair...
Nov 28, 2012
In response to issues raised by subscribers, and after several months of discernment and discussions, the Terms of Use of the Newark List (news@...
Nov 27, 2012
In 2012, $145,321 in grants was distributed to 25 organizations through the Alleluia Fund. The recipients were: All Saints Community Service and...
Nov 27, 2012
The diocese will request financial assistance from Episcopal Relief & Development to help abate costs for congregations that provided assistance...
