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Articles & Videos

Photos of the 139th Annual Convention
Jan 30, 2013
Photos documenting the 139th Annual Convention from beginning to end can be viewed here, courtesy of Steven Boston.
Bishop Beckwith on NJTV Wednesday, January 16
Jan 16, 2013
Bishop Beckwith will appear on NJ Today with Mike Schneider on Wednesday, January 16. He and some of his colleagues from the Newark Interfaith...
Jan 15, 2013
Recycling receptacles for empty bottles and cans and copy paper will be located next to trash collection containers in areas where we gather for...
Jan 15, 2013
Last year for the first time, we invited congregations to share their stories of mission and transformation along with their parochial reports, in a...
Jan 8, 2013
Applications are due February 15, 2013 for the three following funds. Click the link to each fund for more information, including applications and...
Jan 7, 2013
Workshops at the annual diocesan convention will be offered on Friday morning, Friday later afternoon and Saturday lunch time. The topics will...
