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The Newark Deputation at dinner the night before the 80th General Convention begins in Baltimore. DIANA WILCOX PHOTO
80th General Convention | Jul 8, 2022
Our Newark deputation traveled the highways and rails from New Jersey to arrive in Baltimore this week for the 80th General Convention of The...
Project Resource
Stewardship Matters | Jul 5, 2022
You are invited to join our all-new Project Resource Stewardship Training, available to you through our diocesan partnership with the College for...
St. Stephen's, Millburn participating in the North Jersey Pride Festival on June 12 in Maplewood's Memorial Park.
Stories from Our Congregations | Jun 30, 2022
Congregations around the Diocese of Newark have been celebrating Pride month with parish observances as well as by participating in community Pride...
Looking for a Summer Job?
Stewardship Matters | Jun 29, 2022
OK, maybe not. But summer's a great time to get some important "jobs" underway to help ensure the success of your fall pledge campaign. In a recent...
Members of the Diocese of Newark, with other New Jersey Episcopalians and Lutherans, at the June 11 March for Our Lives in Washington, D.C.
Stories from Our Congregations | Jun 21, 2022
On Saturday, June 11, members of the Diocese of Newark attended the March For Our Lives in Washington D.C. It was an inspiring day with incredible...
The crowd at March for Our Lives in Newark's Military Park. The spire of Trinity & St. Philip's Cathedral can be seen in the background. DIANE RILEY PHOTO
Stories from Our Congregations | Jun 21, 2022
Moved by sadness, anger and a feeling of helplessness, my husband Elven Riley and I got up the morning of Saturday, June 11 and joined over 100...
