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Articles & Videos

It's Quarterly Statement time!
Stewardship Matters | Apr 27, 2020
It's more important than ever to keep communicating with parishioners, and that includes practical matters like quarterly statements
Doxology Handwashing Timer
Video; Stories from Our Congregations | Mar 8, 2020
If you get tired of singing "Happy Birthday" while washing your hands, you can also sing the Doxology!
Mission Minutes 2020: Sheltering the Homeless
146th Annual Diocesan Convention | Feb 1, 2020
St. Paul’s, Englewood had a run-down sexton’s apartment that for years had been used for storage. The parish had the vision to partner with Family...
Mission Minutes 2020: Restoring a Church in Panama
146th Annual Diocesan Convention | Feb 1, 2020
A community in Panama had lost their church building, and a family in New Jersey had lost their son and brother. Christ Church, Newton was in...
146th Annual Diocesan Convention | Feb 1, 2020
Bishop Carlye Hughes gives the second part of her Convention address as the sermon at the Convention Eucharist.
Mission Minutes 2020: Hispanic/Latino Ministry
146th Annual Diocesan Convention | Jan 31, 2020
When several local young people were deployed to the 1991 Persian Gulf War, their Spanish-speaking families sought a place to pray for them. St....
