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Articles & Videos

Stories Matter, Prayers, too
Stewardship Matters | Oct 5, 2023
Stories matter in Stewardship communications – and so do incorporating specific Stewardship prayers into your annual pledge campaign.
Announcement | Jan 6, 2023
This presentation of the preliminary diocesan budget for 2023 was given by diocesan CFO Sam Reckford on December 14, 2022.
Votive candles
Announcement | Aug 28, 2022
With sadness we share the news of the death of the Rev. Canon Dr. David Hendry Hamilton, 81, on August 23, 2022.
Stewardship Matters: Don't shoot yourself in the foot
Stewardship Matters | Oct 30, 2020
Why not just use email alone? Simple answer. Because you want your communication to be received, to be read, and to be acted upon.
The COVID Creations Project
Stories from Our Congregations | Jul 2, 2020
Telling the stories of our time in pandemic helps us process what we are experiencing, gives us insight into what we have lost and learned, and...
Ministry in a hatchback
Stewardship Matters | Apr 29, 2020
What does ministry look like? Sometimes it looks like an open hatchback.
