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Bell presented to All Saints' by its 9/11 Support Group. NINA NICHOLSON PHOTO
Sep 1, 2011
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow once penned the verse, “For bells are the voice of the church, for they have tones that touch and search the heart of the...
Adult Confirmands May 2011.
Sep 1, 2011
Several days last spring, the people of the Diocese of Newark gathered to witness a moment of transformation. What they were about to see had been...
Aug 18, 2011
On Wednesday, August 17, relatives, friends, and neighbors of Nazish Noorani gathered for a candlelight vigil led by the Rev. Laurie Wurm of St. John...
Small hands working in the St. Peter's Children's Garden. SHARON SHERIDAN PHOTO
Jul 25, 2011
During worship Sunday morning, they heard the parable of the mustard seed. Then children, teens, parents and seniors swapped hymnals and prayer books...
Jul 21, 2011
Until a decade ago, Valerie Bailey Fischer was living a double life. Starting during her undergraduate days at Penn State, and continuing in the...
The Rev. Andrew Butler of St. John's, Montclair. LINDA FEDERICO-O'MURCHU PHOTO
Jul 18, 2011
Rev. Andrew Butler did not take over St. John's Episcopal Church in Montclair with the intention of making waves -- but he has made an impact in his...
