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Six of the seven children of the Afghan family that moved into the second house in August. PHOTO COURTESY WESTSIDE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, RIDGEWOOD
Stories from Our Congregations | Sep 12, 2022
Last year, we shared the story of several churches that partnered to renovate an unused rectory to host a family of Afghan refugees. This year, some...
Stories from Our Congregations | Aug 26, 2022
The diocesan Prison Ministry has collected more than 300 backpacks filled with school supplies, donated by 20 churches and a diocesan organization....
Diocesan members join Newark anti-violence walk
Stories from Our Congregations | Aug 23, 2022
On Saturday, August 20, 2022, members of Trinity & St. Philip's Cathedral and others from around the Diocese of Newark participated in a Newark...
Stewardship Matters | Aug 23, 2022
In most of our churches, we are invited to share God’s Peace with others, and then announcements are made, and we move into the Offertory when the...
Stewardship in the Moment
Stewardship Matters | Jul 18, 2022
1. Save the date! Next Stewardship in the Moment Zoom Workshop: August 4, 7 PM Many of you took advantage of our June 16 "Stewardship in the Moment"...
Diocesan members elected at General Convention
The 80th General Convention | Jul 13, 2022
Three current and former members of the Diocese of Newark were elected to church-wide positions at the 80th General Convention.
