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Feb 22, 2012
Dozens of people took time from the hustle and bustle of their morning commute today at the Frank R. Lautenberg train station in Secaucus to receive...
Bishop Mark Beckwith giving Ashes to Go at Newark Penn Station
Feb 22, 2012
Bishop Mark Beckwith, Canon Greg Jacobs and clergy and lay people in at least 20 towns in northern New Jersey distributed "Ashes to Go" at train...
Feb 21, 2012
Clergy and lay members of Episcopal churches across the state will hit the streets on Wednesday, Feb. 22, to distribute ashes to mark the start of...
The Rev. Sandye Wilson distributes ashes at South Orange Train Station in 2011
Feb 19, 2012
Episcopal congregations in at least 20 towns in northern New Jersey will take to the streets on Ash Wednesday, February 22, marking the beginning of...
Members of St. George's in Maplewood rally for marriage equality.
Feb 14, 2012
In a Star-Ledger op-ed, Bishop Beckwith, Rabbi Matthew D. Gewirtz of Temple B’Nai Jeshurun in Millburn and Bishop E. Roy Riley Jr. of the New Jersey...
Danielle Baker playing the role of Underground Railroad conductor Harriet Tubman
Feb 13, 2012
The Rev. Karen Eberhardt’s first face-to-face encounter with racial discrimination still resonates, half a century later. She was visiting the North...
