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Grace Church Van Vorst in Jersey City's "Breakfast Plus!" CHI MODU PHOTO
Jul 17, 2012
Our lives as Christians are shaped by stories – stories of Jesus, personal journeys of faith, traditions that shape each liturgical season....
Diocese of Newark deputation at work at GC2012
Jul 12, 2012
[Episcopal News Service – Indianapolis] General Convention has called on the Episcopal Church to re-imagine its structure, taken historic steps...
The Five "Marks" of Mission
Jul 12, 2012
“Five ‘Marks’ of Mission” serenaded the House of Bishops at the start of the July 12 morning session. Beckwith (Newark);...
Newark Deputy Caroline Christie explains her support of Resolution A049
Jul 10, 2012
[Episcopal News Service -- Indianapolis] Same-gender couples soon can have their lifelong relationships blessed using a rite approved by General...
Jul 10, 2012
Lay deputy Caroline Christie testifies before the House of Deputies supporting Resolution A049, which authorizes provisional use of liturgical...
Bishop Gene Robinson
Jul 10, 2012
[Episcopal News Service -- Indianapolis] On the day when General Convention affirmed a policy of nondiscrimination against transgender people and the...
