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Aug 23, 2012
Would you withhold food from a hungry child? Chances are, you wouldn’t. But with the number of families living in poverty increasing in alarming...
Building Bridges to Hope
Aug 8, 2012
Mental illness impacts the lives of at least one in four adults and one in 10 children — or 60 million Americans. People impacted by mental illness...
Aug 7, 2012
A room within St. Agnes Episcopal Church is stocked with canned soups, meats, fruits, and vegetables alongside cereals, pasta and pet food. It is the...
Letter from Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori
Aug 1, 2012
After receiving the Parochial Report Page 5s for 2011, the Most Rev. Katharine Jefferts Schori wrote the following letter to Bishop Beckwith:
Star-Ledger "Quotes of the Week" quote by Diane Riley
Jul 29, 2012
The Rev. Diane Riley, a deacon in the Diocese of Newark as well as director for advocacy of the Community Food Bank of New Jersey, is quoted in this...
Jul 18, 2012
Re: “Can Liberal Christianity Be Saved?,” by Ross Douthat (column, July 15). To the Editor: If liberal Christianity is defined as doing anything to...
