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Anti-Racism / Anti-Sexism
Feature | Dec 5, 2022
The Diocese of Newark is committed to pursuing ways to live into our Baptismal Covenant of “seeking and serving Christ in all persons…striving for...
St. John's, Ramsey joins community vigil for Club Q victims
Stories from Our Congregations | Nov 23, 2022
Last night members of St. John’s, Ramsey joined with their neighbors to hold a candlelight vigil for those murdered and injured in the shooting at...
Quiet Power of a Wish List
Stewardship Matters | Nov 16, 2022
Ever notice how young children are happy to share their birthday or Christmas wish list? Maybe that's a lesson for all of us!
The training search begins with the trainee smelling outside the church door. SHARON SHERIDAN HAUSMAN PHOTO
Stories from our congregations | Nov 8, 2022
Bowie, a black Giant Schnauzer, moved from pew to pew, sometimes jumping on the seats like an excited toddler. Suddenly, he took a good sniff at a...
The choir of St. George's, Maplewood in costume. JOHN LAUDER PHOTO
Stories from our congregations | Oct 31, 2022
Photos submitted by St. Elizabeth;'s, Ridgewood; St. Luke's, Montclair; St. Alban's, Oakland/Franklin Lakes; and St. George's, Maplewood.
Canon Margo Peckham Clark
From Canon Clark | Oct 12, 2022
Sometimes it's hard to know what we're supposed to do to follow Jesus, says Canon Clark. She commends to you two programs coming up this fall that...
