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Jan 14, 2013
[Madison Patch] Jack Harter, a member of Grace Episcopal Church in Madison who loved animals and for whom the community rallied to raise money so he...
Jan 8, 2013
[Episcopal News Service] What does a new beginning look like? For many the New Year is for planning positive changes and forging new paths for...
Fairbairn Powers
Jan 2, 2013
Last month, I asked fellow clergy if they exercise regularly, and if so what difference it made in their spiritual, congregational, personal, and/or...
Beverly Jacobs, 1953-2012
Announcement | Dec 28, 2012
With much sadness we announce the death of Beverly Jacobs, wife of the Rev. Canon Gregory A. Jacobs, Canon to the Ordinary of the Diocese of Newark....
Dec 24, 2012
[The Star-Ledger] There are those battered by Hurricane Sandy, others saddened by the tragedy in Connecticut, questioning life and, perhaps, faith....
Dec 23, 2012
More than 40 years ago, someone who worked at Macy’s donated a Santa Claus suit to the Holy Trinity Episcopal Church in West Orange. Bob Gray tried...
