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Articles & Videos

May 17, 2013
[Episcopal News Service] The Holy Spirit comes, for some, as a comforting presence. For others, it’s a disturbing upsetter. And still, for...
May 13, 2013
The Diocese of Newark now has a presence on LinkedIn, the world's largest online professional network. Join the Episcopal Diocese of Newark...
Community of St. John Baptist
May 7, 2013
On April 27, a brilliant, sunny Saturday, the Sisters of St. John Baptist, a religious order for women in the Episcopal Church, celebrated one...
May 3, 2013
[The Star-Ledger] Through the Hetrick-Martin Institute, LGBT youth receive support with after-school programs that range from counseling and crisis...
Apr 29, 2013
Sally Muscarella has begun consulting with the Fund Development Committee and the staff at Episcopal House on an interim basis to coordinate the...
Apr 22, 2013
[] With the failure of proposed gun control measures to pass the U.S. Senate this week, gun control proponents turned their focus to the...
