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Articles & Videos

Convention Video | Jan 27, 2014
At the 140th Annual Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Newark, keynoter Dwight Zscheile shares some of his personal story during dinner on Friday...
Mission Minutes 2014
140th Annual Diocesan Convention | Jan 25, 2014
Daring to be disciples of Jesus entails listening to and being changed by the stories of one’s communities. We hear often of the needs of...
Mission Minutes 2014
140th Annual Diocesan Convention | Jan 25, 2014
Daring to be disciples of Jesus encourages listening to and being changed by Scripture. In this Mission Minute, we can see how programs such as the...
Mission Minutes 2014
140th Annual Diocesan Convention | Jan 25, 2014
Daring to be disciples of Jesus challenges us to listen to and be changed by the stories in your communities. In this Mission Minute we see three...
Mission Minutes 2014
140th Annual Diocesan Convention | Jan 25, 2014
Daring to be disciples of Jesus involves listening to and being changed by the stories of one’s communities. Of particular concern are the...
