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Articles & Videos

Kitty Kawecki at Diocesan Convention 2011
Announcement | Sep 9, 2014
With divided hearts, we share the news that long-time diocesan staff member Kitty Kawecki, Director of Resources & Training, has announced her...
Campers and staff worship at Cross Roads.
Feature | Sep 2, 2014
Cross Roads Camp and Retreat Center is a place where young and adults, alike, can go to be themselves and have fun in God’s creation. The camp...
Long-term care protection: Who needs it?
Senior Ministries | Sep 2, 2014
Do you think it’s possible that you will live into your 80s? If so, do you think it’s possible that you might become frail and need assistance? Have...
Ally Brundige
Feature | Sep 2, 2014
Allyson (Ally) Brundige was 16 years old when she traveled with a group to a rural village in Zimbabwe to build a medical clinic. That experience...
Copyright the Episcopal Diocese of Newark
Church News | Aug 25, 2014
On August 17, 2014, churches in District 1 held a Baby Shower & Pool Party for North Porch Women & Infants' Centers.
