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The old stage at Cross Roads Camp, before it was removed during the renovations.
Announcement | Dec 4, 2014
In the densely urbanized geography of our diocese, it is hard to fathom sometimes that there is any area that is so pristine and rural and surrounded...
Ross Wisnewski (left) in 2012
Alleluia Fund for Outreach | Dec 3, 2014
Alleluia! Thanks be to God! Years ago I found myself working in stewardship, first at my church, and then at the diocese, and eventually at the...
Paul Shackford volunteering at St. John's soup kitchen
Alleluia Fund for Outreach | Dec 2, 2014
I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and successful holiday shopping on Black Friday and Cyber Monday. A day to give thanks, two to get deals...
Alleluia Fund for Outreach
Alleluia Fund for Outreach | Dec 1, 2014
This Advent season, the Episcopal Diocese of Newark’s outreach ministry partners will offer a hot meal and warm bed to a homeless man on a cold...
Jerry Racioppi
Feature | Dec 1, 2014
Gerard "Jerry" A. Racioppi is scheduled to be ordained to the Transitional Diaconate (a step in the process toward ordination to the...
In the News | Nov 28, 2014
The Rev. Greg Lisby, Rector of Christ Church in Ridgewood, is quoted in this article. [The Ridgewood News] Ridgewood leaders came together this week...
