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Articles & Videos

Bishop Mark Beckwith
141st Annual Diocesan Convention | Jan 31, 2015
On July 3 of this past year, I was scheduled to travel to Liberia as the Presiding Bishop’s representative at the consecration of my friend and...
"What is God is up to?" 141st Annual Diocesan Convention January 30-31
141st Annual Diocesan Convention | Jan 28, 2015
“What is God up to” in our neighborhoods and communities? This question will be the focus of the presentations, workshops and discussions...
Reclaiming the Gospel of Peace, Challenging the Epidemic of Gun Violence
Announcement | Jan 22, 2015
Church leaders including Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby, Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori and our own Bishop Mark Beckwith have...
Laurie Durmaz
Senior Ministries | Jan 21, 2015
Do any of the following comments sound familiar to you? Has anyone seen my car keys? Now why did I just come into the kitchen? What’s his name...
Announcement | Jan 16, 2015
The January 2015 issue of In Prov 2, the newsletter of Province II of The Episcopal Church, is now available online (below).
David Bird
In the News | Jan 15, 2015
On Sunday, January 11, 2015, All Saints' Church in Millington co-hosted a vigil marking the anniversary of the disappearance of local resident...
