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Peggy Dervitz with Eunice
Senior Ministries | Mar 17, 2015
July 2010 marked the second anniversary of my retirement from a forty year career in social services. It also marked the beginning of the most...
141st Annual Diocesan Convention | Mar 16, 2015
The Hispanic population of the U.S. is projected to grow to more than 130 million by 2050, said the Rev. Rosa Brown, chair of the Diocese of Newark...
Susan Singer
Senior Ministries | Mar 3, 2015
Imagine that you are living alone, active, and fiercely independent. Imagine further that one fine winter day you take a bad fall on the ice, and end...
St. Paul's, Montvale
Photo Gallery | Mar 2, 2015
For the fourth year in a row, congregations in the Diocese of Newark took to the streets on Ash Wednesday, February 18, to mark the beginning of Lent...
Assemblywoman Mila M. Jasey, the Rev. Dr. Canon Sandye A. Wilson, Elaine Doar
Church News | Feb 27, 2015
On February 23, 2015, the New Jersey General Assembly recognized the Rev. Dr. Canon Sandye A. Wilson of St. Andrew and Holy Communion in South Orange...
Ashes to Go 2015 photo montage
In the News | Feb 19, 2015
At least one third of our congregations braved record cold to join Bishop Beckwith and Canon Jacobs in giving Ashes to Go at train stations, bus...
