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The clergy and leadership of Epiphany, Orange and Christ Church, East Orange.
Feature | Jun 11, 2015
Beginning July 1 the Rev. Joseph Harmon, currently full-time Rector of Christ Church, East Orange, will divide his time between Christ Church and the...
Christ Church, East Orange
Announcement | Jun 10, 2015
“…And anyone who gives you a cup of water in my name, just because you belong to me, will surely be rewarded.” – Mark 9:41 (...
The 2012 deputation
Feature | Jun 10, 2015
Since their election at the Annual Diocesan Convention in January 2014, members of the Diocese of Newark's deputation have been preparing for the...
Some of the youth and young adult observers talk with Bishop Beckwith
General Convention 2015 | Jun 9, 2015
Our diocese will send 11 young people – nine youth and two young adults – to General Convention, accompanied by two chaperones. Each...
General Convention 2015 | Jun 8, 2015
You are invited to add your prayers in words and images to The Prayers of the People at General Convention, via a social media campaign by the...
