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The Rev. Pam Bakal and Bishop Mark Beckwith
Photo Gallery | Sep 11, 2015
During morning rush hour on the 14th anniversary of 9/11, Bishop Mark Beckwith and the Rev. Pam Bakal of Grace, Nutley gave "Blessings to Go...
The "parachute game"
Church News & Photo Gallery | Sep 9, 2015
Dozens of children from multiple towns spent a week singing, playing, worshiping, making crafts, dancing and learning about God and God’s world...
Prison Ministry collects backpacks for children of the incarcerated
Church News | Sep 9, 2015
A new school year is full of promise, and having the necessary tools makes it easier to reach goals. Five congregations have assisted the Prison...
Senior Moments: Is it normal aging or is it Alzheimer’s?
Senior Ministries | Sep 4, 2015
Bob tried to keep a sense of humor about some of the behavioral changes that he was noticing in his 72 year-old mother, Maggie, but, over the course...
The Venerable Peter Jackson, Archdeacon, and the Rev. Miguel Hernandez
Church News | Sep 4, 2015
This summer Holy Trinity Church in West Orange held its second “God and Science” program for young members of the congregation and the community....
Stewardship: Gratitude or Obligation?
Bishop Beckwith in "Vestry Papers" | Sep 2, 2015
The Episcopal Church Foundation invited Bishop Beckwith to expand his July 8, 2015 blog post on stewardship into a feature article, and published it...
