Speaker Series 2025 Videos

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As part of the celebration of the diocese’s 150th anniversary, in place of the Bishop’s usual winter book study there was a Speaker Series on four consecutive Tuesday evenings, Jan. 21-Feb. 11, 2025.

Jim Wallis - photo by Cynthia L. Black

Rest, reflection, lament, and love: Jim Wallis’ keynote address at the 150th Convention

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During the Friday evening dinner at the 150th Diocesan Convention, we heard a keynote address by Jim Wallis, the New York Times bestselling author, public theologian, renowned preacher and commentator on ethics and public life. His latest book is The False White Gospel: Rejecting Christian Nationalism, Reclaiming True Faith, and Refounding Democracy. (Time: 43:07.)

Mark Beckwith at the 150th Convention

Bishop Beckwith’s greeting at the 150th Convention

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The Rt. Rev. Mark Beckwith, 10th Bishop of Newark (2007-2018), attended the 150th Diocesan Convention as a guest. At the Friday dinner he spoke briefly reminding us that while the country is in a challenging place, we have the “via media,” or middle way, in our DNA. (time: 2:46.)

GC81 Deputation

Hear from the GC81 Deputies

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Near the end of the 81st General Convention in Louisville, KY, five deputies representing the Diocese of Newark shared their experiences and reflections.


Sister Monica sparks dialogue about spirituality on #NunTok

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Our own Sister Monica Clare of the Community of St. John Baptist in Mendham is featured in the "TikTok Sparks Good" ad series talking about her TikTok channel @nunsenseforthepeople, which has created a community where people feel safe asking questions about spirituality.