Justice Ministry Groups

In this video, the co-leaders of these four justice ministry groups provide an update, describing their purpose, their plans going forward, and how congregations can get involved and support their work. (Time: 6:55.)

Anti-Racism Commission

Providing a safe space for individuals and congregations to develop the skills to tackle the issue of racism in their lives and in their faith communities.

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Commission for Justice and Peace

Growing the Beloved Community, in which everyone is cared for absent of poverty, hunger and hate, by developing diocesan advocacy and resources and addressing issues that challenge it.

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Racial History Committee

Gathering, preserving, and exploring the stories, experiences, perspectives, and complexities of race relations between and among Episcopalians in northern New Jersey.

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Racial Justice and Healing Commission

Creating a Beloved Community where all people are valued and treated with dignity and respect as we strive for racial justice and healing.

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