Candidates standing for office at Diocesan Convention must complete anti-racism training:

No person shall be eligible for election to any office at Convention, nor shall any person elected by Districts, or appointed to serve on Diocesan Council or other Diocesan Standing Committees, Commissions or Boards accede to that office, unless that person shall have first completed or arranged for the completion of anti-racism dialogues and anti-sexism training as approved by the Bishop after consultation with the Diocesan bodies responsible for each training. (Diocesan Canon 2.6)

Feedback on Anti-Racism Dialogues

“The format of this program allows for thoughtful responses to a difficult topic. Within each segment, I felt the need to examine my own understanding and position on how I define and react to racism. The use of personal witness both by the presenters and members of the group made it all real and meaningful. The result of this experience will be a more positive view of how I can make a difference in the lives of all those I shepherd.”

“I was greatly impressed with the content, workshop approach, active participation, interest, deep dialogue and conversations. The time spent was definitely worthwhile. Areas that I would like to explore include historical and cultural traditions of the many varied races to better understand and work together to create greater harmony and peace. There is a lot to be done…”

“I left feeling enlightened, like a gift rather than guilty like a punishment. Thank you for that.”

The Anti-Racism Commission’s Vision & Mission


Vision (endorsed 5/18/21) = What is the ultimate aim (the “North Star”) which we are working to achieve, that orients our (and others’) work?

Lay and clergy in our Diocese will have the skills, tools and confidence to become catalysts for us all to understand the origin and impact of racism, to speak about race and own our discomfort in doing so, and to commit to being anti-racists.

We envision a beloved community whose members recognize and celebrate the Christ within all and are energized and inspired to continue the work of learning, introspection and taking action to build that community in daily life, in church, and in society.



Mission (endorsed 6/29/21) = Why does the Commission exist? What is its singular role in working towards the Vision?

The Anti-Racism Commission provides a safe space for learning and skills development to equip congregations and individuals to:

  • Understand the origin, pervasiveness, and impact of racism,
  • Gain practice in speaking with honesty and vulnerability about the impact of racism in their life, and
  • Develop the commitment and a plan for tackling the issue of racism in their life and in their faith communities.


Contact our co-chairs to learn more.

Bill Cruse

The Rev. William C. Cruse

Michele Simon

Michele Simon


Commission Members

  • Helen Dannatt, Christ Church, Newton
  • Janelle Grant, St. Paul’s, Paterson
  • Jane Jubilee, Bishop’s, Staff
  • Anne Kitch, St. Luke’s, Phillipsburg
  • Valyrie Laedlin, St. George’s, Maplewood
  • Robert LaPene, Christ Church, Harrison
  • Margaret King, St. Paul’s, Englewood
  • Biancia Malone, Epiphany and Christ Church, Orange
  • Jerrick Rutherford, St. Andrew Holy Communion, South Orange
  • Lauren Simon