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Church website audit checklist

In this short video, Nina Nicholson, diocesan Director of Communications & Technology, gives a checklist you can use to audit your church website and make sure that potential visitors can find everything they need. (Time: 2:51.)

Video Transcript

I'm Nina Nicholson, diocesan Director of Communications and Technology. Today I'm going to talk about auditing your church website, to make sure that potential visitors can find everything they need.

Make sure your church's name is clearly visible, and that it includes the word "Episcopal." You should also include town and state. This may seem obvious and unnecessary, but it's a big help to people who are church shopping online.

It's also a good idea to link to the websites for our diocese, The Episcopal Church, and the Anglican Communion, for church shoppers who want to explore our denomination.
(Example:, bottom of page)

You should have a description of your parish that is a succinct and appealing.

Make sure your worship schedule is easy to find.
If your church offers online worship, give an easy way to access it, and include a downloadable service bulletin.
(Example:, scroll down)
Some church shoppers may want to experience your services online before they show up in person.

You want to make sure it's easy to find your church's full address. It's especially helpful to embed a Google map for directions.
(Example:, bottom of page)

Display a small, curated set of photos showing members actively engaged in worship or ministry. You also want to have one photo of your church building to help people find it.
(Example:, image slideshow)

Have contact information for at least one person at your church who you know will respond promptly. This can be the clergy, parish administrator, or a warden or other lay leader.

Include links to your church's social media using the familiar icons.

If your church has an e-newsletter, make it easy to subscribe right on your website.
(Example:, bottom of page)

If your church accepts online donations, make that an obvious link or button at the top of the page.
(Examples: and
If you aren't yet accepting online donations, talk to Cynthia McChesney at Episcopal House about getting your church on Vanco, our recommended vendor.

Finally, check how your website looks on a smartphone as well as on a computer screen. What looks good on a computer may not work on a smaller screen.

I hope this video was helpful. If you need assistance, we have a diocesan Technology Committee whose members are available for consultation and guidance. Please email me at and one of us will reach out. Thanks for watching.