By Melissa Bristol and the Rev. Willie Smith

Justice Ministries

Recently, the justice group collectively initiated a series of articles highlighting the diocesan groups that are addressing justice ministries. This issue focuses on the Racial History Committee, which Bishop Hughes formed in 2021, along with the Commission for Justice and Peace and the Racial Justice and Healing Commission. Our specific charge is to gather, preserve, and explore the stories, experiences, perspectives, and complexities of race relations between and among Episcopalians in northern New Jersey, with a principal focus on the histories of BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color).

In the last three years, committee members have worked directly with a number of congregations to learn and understand their histories, and the group is actively seeking to meet with additional congregations in this effort. We also have submitted a resolution to Diocesan Convention to further the conversation around our collective racial histories that, ultimately, will help us to live into our Baptismal vows “to seek and serve Christ in all persons, loving one another as God loves us, and to strive for justice and peace among all people, no matter of race or culture, respecting the dignity of every human being.” The Committee members look forward to hearing what our congregations have to say about this critical work when we gather for Convention in November.

Racial History Committee Members

Gail Barkley – Trinity & St. Philip’s Cathedral, Newark
Carol Berry – All Saints’, Millington
Melissa Bristol – Christ Church, Short Hills
Anne Calloway – Trinity & St. Philip’s Cathedral, Newark
Pat Piermatti – St. James, Upper Montclair
The Rev. Wayne Sherrer – St. James’, Hackettstown
The Rev. Willie Smith
The Rev. Deacon Eric Soldwedel – St. Clement’s Church, Hawthorne & St. Paul’s Church, Paterson
Chris Whitaker – Christ Church, Short Hills