The Prison Ministry of the Diocese of Newark is motivated by the Gospel imperative in Matthew 25:36: “I was in prison and you visited me.” The ministry has been active in the diocese for almost 25 years, led by Brenda Beavers Simpson, chair, the Rev. Pamela Bakal, president, and the Rev. Audrey Hasselbrook, secretary. The Prison Ministry advocates for restorative justice, interfaith programs, and personal healing for prisoners, their families, and communities.
They offer several programs to assist families with an incarcerated parent. These include children’s contact visits to the jail to see their parents, occasional Saturday mentoring programs, holiday parties and other group experiences, and summer outings and experiences, including Drumming Camp courtesy of St. Stephen’s, Millburn.
Every summer, they sponsor a Backpack Drive to provide school supplies for the children of people in incarceration, and many of our congregations participate. In the drive for 2024, they collected over 125 backpacks that were distributed to those children before the start of the school year. They also collected $6000 for school uniform vouchers.
In addition, the Prison Ministry holds a weekly Bible Study for men at Northern State Prison, Newark, so that they can hear God’s words of love and forgiveness. The Ministry is always looking for more volunteers to become a member of the Bible study team. Curriculum and training are provided for volunteers through the Committee, and volunteers are asked to commit to two studies a month to help build continuity and a positive relationship with the prisoners. Each volunteer must attend the necessary training and be cleared by the State prior to entry into the prison.
For the 2024 holiday season, the Prison Ministry has launched its annual Gift & Toy Drive. They are collecting toys, crafts, books, and games suitable for ages 0-18. Donations can be dropped off at Grace Episcopal Church Nutley, 200 Highfield Lane, Nutley, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on December 3, 4, and 5 (Tuesday to Thursday), as well as from 11:15 a.m. to 2 p.m. on December 8 (Sunday). All donations should be placed, unwrapped, in a gift bag, and donors should email the Rev. Audrey Hasselbrook to confirm the drop off time.
Some gift ideas include:
Toddlers through elementary school-aged children: toys, art supplies, dolls, board games, magic sets, current books, pajamas, infant clothing and soft toys.
Middle and High Schoolers: art supplies, sport equipment, board games, pajamas, current books, Target/Walmart gift cards ($20-$25 amount). Put all gift cards in a separate, labeled envelope.
Information about the Prison Ministry can be found here, and is also accessed through the Diocese’s new website. If you are interested in learning more about or joining the Prison Ministry, you can contact the Rev. Pamela Bakal.
Prison Ministry Members
- Christine Andrukonis – St. John’s, Montclair
- The Rev. Pamela Bakal, President
- Brenda Beavers-Simpson, Chair – Trinity & St. Philip’s Cathedral, Newark
- Mary DePinto – Good Shepherd, Fort Lee
- Tim Evans – P..A..R..K..S.. Director, Paterson
- Shayla Graham – House of Prayer, Newark
- The Rev. Audrey Hasselbrook, Secretary – St James, Upper Montclair
- The Rev. Sharon Hausman – Chaplain, Edna Mahon State Prison
- Eloise Monzillo Hiris – St. Peter’s, Essex Fells
- Ruth Mayes – Trinity &St Philips Cathedral, Newark
- The Rev. Deacon Jacqueline McLeod – Ex. Dir., Healing Communities Network
- Martha Reiner – Grace, Nutley
- The Rev. Daniel Somers, Esq. – Diocese of New Jersey
- Terri Thompson
- Ann McKay Thoroman – St. George’s, Maplewood
- The Rev. Paula Toland, Drumming Camp – St. Stephen’s, Millburn
- John Vine – St Michael’s, Wayne
- the Rev. Deacon Virginia Whatley – Diocese of Newark
- The Rev. Lorna Woodham – St. Andrew & Holy Communion, South Orange
- Casey Woodruff – Diocese of New Jersey